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Stress Test Devotional May 1

by David Joynt on May 01, 2024

DEUTERONOMY 6:13 | 13 The Lord your God you shall fear, him you shall serve, and by his name alone you shall swear.


The promise land meant success for Israel, with a new level of security and prosperity. With this would come the temptation to reverse the equation. Rather than seeing their role as serving God and displaying His goodness and character to a needy world, they would begin to see God as the divine guarantor of their power and plenty.


We too can major in demands and requests from God, rather than listening to Him for direction and obeying His commands. The divine one is not at our beck and call.


Do you ever reverse the equation with God?



Gracious God,

Grant me a holy fear and a desire to obey You, rather than seeking Your help with my agenda.



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