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The Upside Down World, Week 9, Day 3

by David Joynt on November 07, 2017

LUKE 15:17

The excuses in our parable are beyond lame. They are utterly and probably deliberately illegitimate. In the Ancient Near East, there were two stages of invitation. A first invitation was given and a response offered. Then on the day of the event, a notice was sent, through a servant, that the feast was now ready, and the guests who had already accepted the original invitation should come. The key to understanding the reaction of the party-giver is knowing that all the guests who are no-shows have previously agreed to come.

Some people intend to be on God’s guest list, and make an initial response to His invitation, but then don’t follow through.

How has God invited you into relationship and commitment?

How have you responded?

FAMILY TIME— What commitments have you said yes to? A sports team? A set of music or art lessons? Talk about the need to say yes repeatedly to each practice or opportunity.

Tags: commitment, relationships

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