Holy Reading- How to Read the Bible in a World of Short Attention Spans

Holy Reading- How to Read the Bible in a World of Short Attention Spans
Every Wednesday, from 04/03/2024 to 04/24/2024, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Room(s): Sanctuary

Instructor: Dr. Phil Eaton

Who reads the Bible anymore? Why read the Bible? How do we read the Bible? Can the Bible change our lives? Can it change our troubled world? The Bible comes to us not as philosophical or theological treatise alone, but rather as poetry, story, metaphor, and parable. In this series we want to learn better how to read the Bible the way it is written. We want to explore practices of reading from ancient times. We want to learn better how to read the Bible as sacred word, as prayer, as a daily guide to come closer to God. Can the Bible transform our lives into a life worth living? Can it really change the world? Is that still possible in our day? Our answer is emphatically yes!


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