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A New Heart for the Valley Week 4, Day 6

by David Joynt on March 16, 2018

A New Heart for the Valley Week 4, Day 6




Seeing God in the future, face to face, will be the transformative moment! But there is another way to see God—by looking at Jesus as we have him in scripture. The biblical picture of God becomes animated, personal, and particular in Jesus. He is the eikon, or image of the invisible God, and in him dwells the fullness of God. Every encounter someone had with Jesus, recorded in the gospels, is a window into God’s nature and character. Every story he told adds depth and texture to the divine personality. On the cross, which Luther described as a moment when God was hidden in his revelation, God’s glory was made known under the guise of suffering and death. Even then, we have a look at God’s heart, full of supreme love and faithfulness. Scripture, because of Jesus, allows us to see God in new and deeper ways.



How has your vision of God deepened because of Jesus?




Name one thing you see about God as you look at Jesus.


Tags: glory, god's, divine personality

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