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Advent Week 1: The Way of Waiting, Day 3

by David Joynt on November 29, 2016


MATTHEW 25:1-4

The great apostle of grace, Martin Luther, who taught us that salvation is by faith in God's great work in Jesus, not as a result of our labors, also said this in his preface to Romans:

"0 it is a living, busy, active, mighty thing, this God given faith!
It is impossible for it not to be doing God's works incessantly. It  does not ask
if they are necessary, but does them before the question is asked. Whoever does not do such works is an

It is true as the old hymn says, "Nothing do I bring, only to the cross I cling!" But as Dale Bruner says, "The cross is a fructifying tree, it produces Christian fruits."

The wise bridesmaids had oil in flasks for their lamps. They were prepared to shine their lights to aid the bridegroom's arrival. Interpreters have suggested that this "shining oil" could be helping the poor, almsgiving, fidelity, love, care of the household  (as in the previous parable), or using your talents in tasks (next one). I think of it as including all the elements that make our lives shine in ways that honor Jesus, including our obedience, our faith, our witness, our compassion, and our repentance.

What strikes you about the wise bridesmaids?

How full is your flask?

Tags: advent, waiting

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