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Advent Week 3: The Way of Return, Day 5

When have you lived with disappointment? Was it possible to sense God at work in the situation?

by David Joynt on December 17, 2016


One of the hardest things in life is to live with disappointment. It is very difficult when our dreams fail to arrive in the way we have imagined, when we must accept a situation that is flawed and broken. Joseph did not want to be a laughing stock and had not planned on raising someone else's child. He wanted to marry a virgin and become a father after the marriage. He wanted his family and the community to celebrate this commitment with unreserved joy and support, not to mock it with snide comments and moral opprobrium. What is more, Joseph could not see how God could possibly redeem his situation or bring a greater good.
He was bitterly disappointed and decided that the only sensible course was to move on beyond his disappointment and put it behind him. It is wise to remember that all of God's saints dealt with disappointment. Abraham dealt with infertility, Moses never made it to the promised land, David's sons plotted against him, Jesus was abandoned by his friends, and Paul was under-appreciated by some of his churches.

When have you lived with disappointment? Was it possible to sense God at work in the situation?

What is the best way to deal with disappointment?

Tags: advent, return

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