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Advent Week 3: The Way of Surprise, Day 3

Have you ever been afraid of a God-given task? If you've never been led beyond your strengths and abilities, does this mean you have not followed God to those places?

by David Joynt on December 10, 2016

LUKE 3:28-32

The shock of the angel's announcement has a very personal dimension for Mary. God was counting on her. She had a crucial role in world history, in the story of salvation, in the unfolding of God's purpose, in fulfilling the dreams of the prophets, and the hopes of Israel. God's call is always larger than our abilities. Stuttering Moses quaked at the idea of leadership, the boy Samuel was incredulous to be offered a prophet's mantle, the disciples felt unprepared to carry on the ministry of Jesus. Mary could find no manuals for Messiah mothering! But God equips the ones He calls. God enables the ones He brings forward. We were born and made to be the instruments of His purpose.

Have you ever been afraid of a God-given task?

If you've never been led beyond your strengths and abilities, does this mean you have not followed God to those places?

FAMILY TIME: Share a story of how you were stretched in a task or job. Ask everyone if there is part of their life that is difficult. Pray for one another.

Tags: advent, surprise

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