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Broken and the Blessed Week 1, Day 3

January 10, 2017


MATTHEW 19:16-24

Who did not connect with Jesus? Who did not receive the gifts of grace and wisdom he offered? Those whose pride told them they were already tracking in the right direction, like the rich young ruler. Those who felt threatened by his claim of authority and wanted to retain their power, like the majority of the leaders in Jerusalem. Those who were too secure in their accomplishments or their knowledge to admit they needed a dose of truth, or a forgiving word. Those who were determined to forge their own way forward, overcome their own challenges, and define goodness by their own measure.

 What does it mean to be hard-headed?

 Is there a self-sufficiency that is healthy?


Who is stubborn in your family? How can you tell?




Tags: devotional, hard-headed, the broken and the blessed

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