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Broken and the Blessed Week 3, Day 2

by David Joynt on January 23, 2017

DAY 16

EXODUS 3:10-11; 4:10-16

 This week we’ll mine Moses’ life for signals of strength conditioned by humility. It takes strength to see your own weaknesses and to face them honestly and openly. When God calls him to help lead Israel out of slavery, Moses raises some particular problems. How will I identify you to your people? How will I authenticate this calling and demonstrate you are with me? But then he gets personal, “I am a poor speaker, a slow stutterer!” Moses appeals for help and gets it, via his brother Aaron.


Is it harder to meet a challenge or admit a weakness for you?


Do you ask for help when you need it?



Is it hard or easy for you to raise your hand and ask a question when you don’t know the answer? Why is this?


Tags: devotional, humility, the broken and the blessed

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