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Christmas at the Movies: Week 3, Day 5

by David Joynt on December 21, 2017

Matthew 1:18-25


Joseph is asked by God to do something excessive, well beyond
the bonds of law, custom, and expectation. He must trust a plan
he does not understand. He must accept a role he felt unprepared
for—Father to a Savior. He must put Mary and Jesus ahead of
his own interests. He must be willing to suffer in silence some
humiliation in his village, some whispering and accusation and
laughter, for the true story is too incredible to share. He must go
beyond the typical thing, beyond the generous thing, and pursue
the radical action that requires great mercy and faith. He must
sacrifice his own picture of his future for a different one entirely.



The passage describes Joseph's positive response to the angel's suggestion. But what do you think he was feeling?



Have you ever trusted God this way?


Tags: bible, trust

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