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Christmas Playlist Devotional 20

by David Joynt on December 17, 2021

Matthew 2:12 | 12 And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.

This single sentence hides a momentous decision and a daring risk. The Magi decide to fool Herod and became agents of the child King. They do not return to the palace of the evil ruler and report the location of the child. They withhold this vital information and sneak away from Herod and his soldiers and spies, going home by “another way.” Herod was utterly ruthless, and possibly paranoid, having previously killed members of his own family, including
children, whom he saw as rivals. To defy him was to risk death. By doing so, the Magi went from observers in the divine story to actors in it.

True wisdom is knowing who to fear and who not to fear.

Whom do you fear?

Do you feel like an actor in God’s story?


Tags: god, fear

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