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Day 15: Direction

Is loving like Jesus the central ordering principal and purpose of your life? How would someone watching you know this?

by David Joynt on April 24, 2016

Day 15: Direction

JOHN 13:31-38

Something has to be central! Otherwise, if everything is equally important, life becomes episodic. Attention and energy is focused here, and then there, and then somewhere else. Purpose gives way to experience and time does not yield growth of accomplishment. Everyone who wants a meaningful life must establish a hierarchy of values. 

In this encounter, 12 have become 11, and Judas has left Jesus and his brothers at the Last Supper in order to betray them. What is important in relationships? That we love one another as Jesus loves us.

Is loving like Jesus the central ordering principal and purpose of your life?

How would someone watching you know this?


Tags: devotional, direction, encountering

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