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Day 26: Peace

What is God renovating in you? Is this exciting or disturbing? Grace is God’s willingness to live in homes that need work! Do you agree?

by David Joynt on May 05, 2016

Day 26: Peace

JOHN 14:20, 23

Peace comes to us through personal experience and conviction, through a sense of intimacy with God, and the knowledge that He is at work not only “out there” in the world, but “in here” in my heart and soul. This is expressed in the indwelling and home language of our verses today. We can experience a sense of being “in” Christ, and Christ being “in” us. Jesus employs the image of “making a home within us.”

I think of this in terms of the popular reality TV programs which involve home makeovers. The sign that God dwells within us is that the rooms of our soul get renovated. Our thought patterns shift, our goals change, our vocabulary is different. Our emotional landscapes include green pasture and still waters.


What is God renovating in you?

Is this exciting or disturbing? 

Grace is God’s willingness to live in homes that need work! Do you agree?



Tags: devotional, encountering, peace

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