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Day 36: Purpose

What do you long to experience?

by David Joynt on May 15, 2016

JOHN 14:8


Philip, like Andrew and Simon Peter, was from Bethsaida, a fishing village on the northeast shore of the sea of Galilee.  He brought Nathanial into the circle of the twelve, as John describes in 1:45-46.  In today’s verse we have a one line study of human nature.  Philip says to Jesus, “Show us the Father and we shall be satisfied.”

This simple request, offered in the context of the Last Supper as Jesus is preparing his friends for the trauma of Good Friday, reveals much about the restless character of our hearts.  What had Philip seen?  He‘d seen demons defeated, storms stilled, diseases cured, mysteries clarified, the dead raised, the lost found.  He’d seen love and power and grace, he’d watched the promises of the prophets come true.  But he was not satisfied!

Every experience in human life is ephemeral, partial, and incomplete.  Even our grandest emotions and greatest moments are fleeting.  We seem to be always yearning and always longing for more.


What do you long to experience?


Tags: devotional, encountering, purpose

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