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Day 39: Purpose

How strong is your trust? How do you define faith?

by David Joynt on May 18, 2016

Day 39: Purpose

JOHN 14:11

The presence of the faith principle, Sola Fides, is present in Jesus’ command, “Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” Faith is trust in Jesus and he explains to Philip, and to us, that it has a double ground, resting on both the words and deeds He has given to us. Claims and testimony are matched by works and actions. Words and deeds have a reflexive relationship, with each reinforcing and interpreting the other. Jesus teaches about grace, for instance, and then bestows it in specific ways. Jesus’ works and His teaching point toward His divine identity and His identity makes sense of both His teaching and His acts.

How strong is your trust?
How do you define faith?

Tags: devotional, encountering, purpose

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