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Divine Imperatives August 22 Devotional

by David Joynt on August 22, 2023

COLOSSIANS 4:6 | Let your speech always be gracious,   seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone.

The reason salt was valuable in the ancient world was because it was used to enhance flavor, as it still is today, and also to preserve food. Prior to refrigeration, which emerged in the 1830’s, salt was the major way people prevented food from going stale and moldy.


Christ followers still perform these two functions. We are there to enhance all that is good in human practices and institutions, through our encouragement and participation. We are also there to resist disintegration and decay. All human activities can degenerate. Politics can devolve into squabbling and self-interest, rather than seeking the common good. Companies can lose their integrity as they compete for success and market share. Sales can become manipulation. Schools can lose sight of their broader mission. Our ethics, example, and willingness not to always “go along to get along” can help preserve the places we love and serve.


Have you seen an institution or activity degenerate?



Gracious God,

Preserve our institution and our social practices. Help us encourage the good and resist the bad around us.



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