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Divine Imperatives November 19 Devotional

by David Joynt on November 19, 2023

Divine Imperatives November 19 Devotional

MATTHEW 7:13 | 13 Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it.


The Sermon on the Mount does not end with a comforting story or a warm reassurance. It concludes with a series of warnings. Beware false prophets, final judgement, destruction that comes from life’s storms and floods. (see Matthew 7:15-23, 26-27). These warnings begin with a command to “enter by the narrow gate,” avoiding the wide and easy path that leads to destruction, which Jesus says most people take! Self-denial is harder than self-indulgence, and love for others is more demanding than self-concern. Taking up the cross in the name of sacrifice and service is tougher than seeking pleasure and avoiding pain in the name of comfort and security. Yet in the final analysis, the easier way does not lead to life that lasts but to death that is final.



What is the narrow gate? (Hint...Who is the narrow gate?)



Gracious God,

Help me follow you and not just take the path of least resistance, living for myself alone. I ask in your son’s name.



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