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Divine Imperatives October 22 Devotional

by David Joynt on October 22, 2023

Divine Imperatives October 22 Devotional

MATTHEW 6:19 | 19 Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal;


Jesus saves. He saves us from many harmful outcomes and fruitless endeavors. There is a certain futility about focusing your life on the accumulation of material wealth, as an end in itself. Jesus alludes to the 2nd law of thermodynamics in his reference to moths and rust! Entropy, the movement toward disorder is real in the natural world, rust causes decay by oxidation, moths actively destroy garments, turning clothes into food. Maintaining the things we own takes a great deal of time and effort, whether we think of clothes, cars, or homes. Material things are essentially temporary, transitioning and insecure. But insecurity of the material sort is also caused by thieves, and by every other human form of threat, from war to
rapaciousness to environmental degradation.


Do you ever struggle to keep your possessions pristine?



Gracious God,

Help me to see past what is temporary, transitioning, and insecure. Help me build my life on permanent foundations.



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