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Growing Joy May 27 Devotional

by David Joynt on May 27, 2023

PHILIPPIANS 2:17-18 | 17 But even if I am being poured out as a libation over the sacrifice and the service of your faith, I rejoice, and I rejoice together with all of you; 18 in the same way also you should rejoice and rejoice together with me.


Finally, Paul rejoices in the sacrifice of the Philippian’s faith and in his connection to it. A libation was a drink offering poured out over the alter in ancient Israel. Faith both then and now, requires sacrifices.


When we make sacrifices of time, energy, or resources, we advance our own faith and the impact of the kingdom. We also fit into the sacrificial pattern of Jesus’ life. Like Paul, our willingness to sacrifice with and for others, is powerful. Mutual sacrifice is so much easier than lonely individual efforts. Your sacrifice makes mine easier.


All of this can be a source of joy, reinforcing the genuineness of our faith.


What about your faith is sacrificial?



Gracious God,

Thank You for giving us opportunities for service and sacrifice. May they become mutual moments of joy.



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