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High Light, Day 23

by David Joynt on December 24, 2018

High Light, Day 23

JOHN 1:10-11 | He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him.

The inextinguishable light is a gentle light. God does not blind us with his glory at Christmas. He does not force us to acknowledge his light or to live in it. He lets us turn away, cover our eyes, put on sunglasses. He allows us to move away from the light and into the darkness. Much of the world chose "not to know him" and the Jewish people, Messiah hungry for centuries, largely chose not to accept him. Christmas is more than an old sentimental story—it is a present tense choice.

Pray for someone right now who has turned away from the light.


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