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Leading With a Disciplined Heart: Day 7

Pray for our Discipleship Ministry. Are your disciplined enough to create a plan for your growth this year? If so, do it!

August 06, 2016

Leading With a Disciplined Heart: Day 7

“As you therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

                                                                 ~ Colossians 2:6-7


We are blessed to have Kelly and Mike Nieto at VPC, dedicating their time and talents to our growth as disciples. If you have questions about how to grow spiritually, how to pray, or about how to deepen your understanding of scripture, they are great resources. Feel free to talk to any one of us on staff about your spiritual development. This year, there will be new opportunities to experience small group growth, new courses, retreats, and one-day seminars. Strengthening your faith will strengthen VPC.


Pray for our Discipleship Ministry.

Are your disciplined enough to create a plan for your growth this year? If so, do it!


Tags: discipline, leading

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