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Leading With a Generous Heart: Day 5

How has your experience of salvation changed you relationships?

by David Joynt on August 18, 2016

Leading With a Generous Heart: Day 5

LUKE 19:1-10

We learn a second thing from Zacchaeus and Jesus as well. Salvation is demonstrated by a change in character and attitude, by the advent of a new generosity. But that generosity is also the harbinger of radical and wonderful change in other relationships. Once Zacchaeus is connected to Jesus and he moves from being a selfish parasite to a selfless benefactor, then all his other relationships also change.

Salvation comes to Zacchaeus’ house in so many other ways! An outcast gained new friends and a new community and a new reputation. Someone known for greed became famous for generosity. A world of new kingdom relationships opened up for Zacchaeus, who underwent a revelation in self-perception and social image.

How has your experience of salvation changed you relationships?

Tags: generosity, leading

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