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Leading With a Humble Heart: Day 5

Does Jesus’ revolutionary teaching about humility reflect your understanding of the truth about human beings? Does it resonate with your view of yourself?

by David Joynt on June 30, 2016

PSALM 90:1-3

Jesus’ Kingdom values are not simply a reversal of the social scale of power and authority. They reflect a truth about all people, regardless of the rung they occupy. We are all fragile, all limited, all broken, all needy, all on the road from dust to dust. And we are all in equal need of God’s grace and love and forgiveness!

Despite the pretensions of our achievements, or the supposed nobility of our birth, we are, in fact, small and vulnerable creatures with moral and spiritual flaws which we cannot fix on our own. We all have lots of reasons to be humble!


Does Jesus’ revolutionary teaching about humility reflect your understanding of the truth about human beings?

Does it resonate with your view of yourself?




Tags: humility, leading

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