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Leading With a Just Heart Day 3

Every leader needs accountability and forgiveness. Do you agree? Should Christian leaders be held to a higher standard? What sort of example do you offer others?

by David Joynt on July 12, 2016

Leading With a Just Heart Day 3

ROMANS 3:9-12


The idea for Christian leadership is that teaching and life converge, that values and action coincide. It is God’s intention that His leaders have just hearts and live just lives.

But it is important to remember that leaders are imperfect. Every leader has flaws, blind spots, and weaknesses. Effective leadership and authentic teaching do not depend on the moral perfection of the leader. Thank goodness! In the 5th Century, when Rome was persecuting Christians, many followers, including many leaders, failed to be faithful in their professions of loyalty to Jesus. The question arose, can imperfect priests administer communion, or does their moral failure invalidate the sacrament. St. Augustine insisted, in what came to be called the Donatist Controversy, that the effectiveness of sacraments depended not on the integrity of priests but the all sufficient grace of God.










Tags: justice, leading

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