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Marked Devotional 32

by David Joynt on April 06, 2022

LUKE 19:42 | 42 Saying, “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.”

The majority of Jews still wait for the Messiah! I hope and pray they will have an opportunity to recognize Him when He comes for a  second time. One reason Jesus wept was the agony of His compatriots missing the moment.

They missed the moment because they misunderstood or were unwilling to accept the meaning of His ministry. This too was a cause for His tears. They wanted a Messiah who would redeem them from their enemies. He offered them one who redeemed them from their sins. They hoped for a victory over Rome, He achieved a victory over sin and death and evil itself. They insisted on a political kingdom with borders and boundaries and nationalist pride. He established a kingdom without boundaries of race, geography, or culture, based on truth, forgiveness and love. The peace they desired was the absence of conflict after a divisive military moment, the peace He brought was a permanent shalom within the human heart and between God and humankind.

Have you ever been misunderstood? Rejected?

Tags: rejected, misunderstood

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