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Pray Without Ceasing, Week 8, Day 50

by David Joynt on July 21, 2019

PSALM 139:1 | O Lord, you have searched me and known me.

We are conflicted creatures! Sometimes we fear being known and strive hard to keep secret our weaknesses, failures, and unholy habits. Presenting a public self that is healthy, successful and happy consumes much of our time and energy. But we also fear not being known. Isolation is the worst punishment in prisons. We crave intimacy and are made to know and be known. The idea that we are known by God can either increase or alleviate these twin fears. God’s knowledge of us is complete and comprehensive, including all our secret thoughts and feelings. This can either panic us or reassure us. Despite our dark sides, we are loved by the one who knows us best, so knowing that we are known becomes a blessing.

Does this verse increase or alleviate your fears?

What do you know about God’s knowledge of you

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