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Questions Week 1 Day 2

by David Joynt on May 01, 2017


Genesis 1:28

Proverbs 1:1-7, 8:1-21


I am convinced that God wants us to use our intellect to explore our faith for several reasons. First, the Bible seems to encourage us to use our reason and insists that seeking wisdom and knowledge of all kinds is a divine mandate and a form of service to God. Adam and Eve are told to “explore and subdue” the earth; that is to say to discover its character and delve into its mysteries and its order. The Hebrew Bible has a whole section of material called the Wisdom Literature, including Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. These books connect  Reason and Revelation in a startling confidence that the God who created our curiosity wants to engage our minds and blesses our pursuit of understanding. Wisdom itself seems to be a term that combines knowledge and religious conviction, and it is personified as a supreme lover who will guide us in ways of peace and truth, bestowing gifts that exceed any other kinds of wealth.


Are you an engaged learner?  If not, why not?



Plan a family experience that emphasizes learning.

Thank God together for the gift of understanding.



Tags: faith, learning

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