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Questions Week 7 Day 3

by David Joynt on June 07, 2017


DAY 11


Imagine a sailboat without ballast. Sailboats are usually built with heavy materials in the keel to stabilize their movements in heavy winds. Without ballast boats cannot set a course and are simply blown wherever the wind takes them.

Human beings are similar, if you allow that our desires are like the wind. They shift and move and blow hard, sometimes, against the course we’ve set for ourselves. The direction of faith and values can be shifted by the force of sudden desire, unless the Spirit of God acts as ballast in our journey. What we call “conscience,” is the restraining weight of God’s direction when we are considering a course of action that will be futile or destructive.

How keen is your conscience? What activates it?

Do you have “ballast” that helps you set a steady course?


Which desire do you have that is hardest to control?


Tags: spirit of god

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