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Questions Week 9 Day 2

by David Joynt on June 26, 2017





There is a saying in the movie business that all movies have only two themes—love and death. This may be an exaggeration, but these two realities do shape so much of our living and story telling. Perhaps this is why describing heaven is so hard. In heaven, love is wider and deeper than a romantic love story conveys, and there is no death at all!


In fact, one of heaven’s greatest features is that our knowledge of everything will be completed. Paul describes his own seemingly deep knowledge as incomplete, like the provisional and elementary view of a child or the vague image visible in a cloudy mirror. But someday, we will know fully, even as we have been fully known. Faith will become sight, and mystery will give way to clarity.



Do you behave as someone with total or incomplete knowledge?


What questions will you ask God first?



Can you think of one thing you would really like to understand?

Thank God for your mind and for the hope that someday all our questions will find answers.


Tags: answers, questions, understand

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