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Questions Week 9, Day 7

by David Joynt on July 01, 2017


1 CORINTHIANS 15:35-44




Heaven will be amazing, but what about us? I long for more than a perfect setting; I need and want a new me! That is why I love the pictures of heaven as a place of transformation. As seeds change into trees and flowers and plants, we change into people who look like Jesus and whose bodies are new and glorious. Jesus’ resurrected body was recognizingly his own, including the scars, but without the limitations.


Cultures and nations also, transformed and changed, will bring their riches into the heavenly city, which will be a place of creativity and harmonious diversity.



What changes do you look forward to?













Show some pictures to your family about how you’ve changed.

Talk about what changes in heaven.




Tags: heaven

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