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Real Devotional 9

by David Joynt on May 09, 2022

JAMES 1:5b | 5b who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.

Some gifts are given in order to get. There is a quid pro quo attached or implied. My giving is at the same time a getting or at least the creation of an obligation for the one I am blessing.

Some gifts are given in order to manipulate or control, to make someone dependent, or to exert influence on their decision-making. Bribes work this way and so do some parental gifts: “You’d better stay on my good side if you want my support!”

Some gifts are given under compulsion or to impress others, or with a great deal of reluctance, out of a sense of obligation.

God gives freely! His nature is to be the giver of every good and perfect gift.

How and why do you give?

Celebrate the great giver as you pray today.

Tags: give, pray

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