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Serving Together for Tomorrow: Day 2

How do you see the connection between witness and service? Do you know anyone who is skeptical of Christian faith?

by David Joynt on October 17, 2016

MATTHEW 4:23-5:2

When we embody God’s love in effective service, we win the right to be heard. Real love is an antidote to skepticism and a counterweight to the often negative portrayal of Christian faith in our culture. But though embodied love can -and should- prepare the way for witness; it should never replace it!

Jesus often stopped healing and helping in order to call people to faith and repentance. The good deeds we do, we do in His name, the name that is above every name, the name in which we are forgiven and saved from death and sin.

How do you see the connection between witness and service?

Do you know anyone who is skeptical of Christian faith?

Family Focus: Does your family ever service together? What kind of service would engage everyone in your crew?

Tags: serving, tomorrow

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