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Soul Songs February 1 Devotional

by David Joynt on February 01, 2024

Soul Songs February 1 Devotional

1 PETER 5:8 | 8 Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy.


“The prince of darkness grim,

We tremble not for him;

His rage we can endure,

For lo! His doom is sure,

One little word shall fell him.

That word above all earthly powers,

No thanks to them, abideth.”


Jesus defeated evil in the victory of his Resurrection. The Resurrection can never be undone. Most victories in the battle with evil are temporary. Dictators are defeated and die, but new ones arise. Temptations are avoided but return in new forms. The Cold War ends but new and old enemies arise once more. But the Resurrection is different. It still is a victory over death for those who believe. It still means that the Risen Lord reigns, now and forever. It gives access to God and new life that never goes away. The Evil One is on borrowed time, and his final defeat and eradication is sure.



Have you had to fight multiple rounds with evil?



Gracious God,

Your Son arose from the grave without any human help. His victory over death is ours also. His righteousness is your gift to us. Help us remember these unchanging realities.



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