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Soul Songs January 16 Devotional

by David Joynt on January 16, 2024

PROVERBS 9:10 | 10  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.


“Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,

And grace my fears relieved.”


God is not mocked. He is patient with rebellion, unbelief, and heartbroken over those who choose to live on their own terms, ignoring his offer of life and peace. But his love does not cancel his judgment. Without his grace there is no way to please God, without his mercy no way to overcome guilt, and without the gift of his resurrection power no way to overcome death. Without him we cannot beat the forces of spiritual disintegration and physical decay. Destruction is certain. We may pretend to have faith in our own sovereignty, but this approach to life is futile and untrue.


The horror and severity of the cross is a display of the necessity of grace and the depth of our need. It invokes, among all who understand it, both holy fear and great thanksgiving.



Is the fear of the Lord at the heart of your wisdom?



Gracious God,

Grant me a deep and reverent respect for your holiness and power. May your grace never become symbolic or stale for me, but real and urgent.



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