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Stress Test Devotional April 30

by David Joynt on April 30, 2024

DEUTERONOMY 6:4 | Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.

Success can also blind us to the main goal of life: loving God with our whole selves and enjoying and serving Him in all our activities and relationships.


In other words, success as a life orientation has other shortcomings too, of course. It is comparative and unstable, for instance, and also short-lived. But its worst consequence, when it governs our outlook and efforts, is that we were meant for so much more! We were created to be agents of love and reconciliation, ambassadors for God, vehicles for a peace that passes understanding, and a justice that surpasses law and order.


Are your life goals large enough?



Gracious God,

Give me a fresh vision for my life. Help me spend my time and energy for great purposes.



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