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Stress Test Devotional May 2

by David Joynt on May 02, 2024

DEUTERONOMY 6:14 | 14 Do not follow other gods, any of the gods of the peoples who are all around you.

The gods of Canaan and the “gods” of the 21st century western world seem dissimilar. Pagan Canaan was intensely religious with cults and temples everywhere and a slew of god’s to be appeased to produce fertile crops, secure cities, and fruitful unions. Western civilization is increasingly secular and has replaced divine faith with technological faith. Agriculture and security are taken for granted and birthrates are failing. Yet, here and now, like there are then, gods are really goals! We too seek comfort and pleasure, security and success. We too sacrifice for these ends.


Which one of these four can become for you a primary goal that takes over your life and thoughts—comfort, pleasure, security, or success?



Gracious God,

The gods of Canaan and today are not real and not divine. Give me immunity from their insidious power.



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