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Stress Test Devotional May 7

by David Joynt on May 07, 2024

MATTHEW 11:28b-29a | 28b I will give you rest. 29a  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me.


Jesus promises that when we come to Him, we will find rest and peace for our souls. This wonderful promise requires two moves on our part and they can both seem counter-intuitive.


The first move is to yoke our lives to Jesus. This is a first century call to work. Peace and rest do not come from isolating or insulating ourselves from the world’s trouble or pain, but rather from joining God in His kingdom work. As we seek His justice, proclaim His truth, and demonstrate His love, we deepen the sense we have of working for and with Him. Like oxen that teams together, placing in a single yoke, we are paired and productive. Nothing brings peace like knowing your life aligns with His purposes.


Do you feel “yoked in?”



Gracious God,

I don’t want to be in an insulated cocoon. Show me how to serve with You.



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