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Thank God it's Monday Devo 51 Oct 25

by David Joynt on October 25, 2022

MATTHEW 5:6 | Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

What does an advocate need to be effective in her work? One thing is the passion for a different world. An advocate longs for the kingdom of right and just relationships to come fully and finally. The word thirst in this beatitude is evocative. A true advocate is not interested in virtue signaling, lining up on the popular side, or demonstrating the right alignments, because much of this behavior can be self-serving—a way to calm the conscience without engaging the heart. True advocates burn with holy passion for the hurting. Their passion is as deep and powerful as the desperate thirst of someone in a dry and desert land.

Great advocates share God’s great passion for the excluded and marginalized.

What do you thirst for?

What world are you praying into being?


Tags: thirst, advocate

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