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The Other Jesus, Week 1, Part 3, Day 5

by David Joynt on July 26, 2018

The Other Jesus, Week 1,  Part 3, Day 5


Remember then from what you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first.

Do you ever review the story of your own heart? Do you remember and cherish the key moments in your spiritual history? The times you felt God’s love with intensity? The moments you know his affirmation, or experienced his forgiveness? The temptations you’ve overcome? The ways you’ve been used to bless others? The acts of generosity? The challenges you’ve met through his grace? The people he’s provided to inspire you? Families keep albums of trips and celebrations to remember their shared blessings. We too need to remember times we’ve known God’s love, repent of those periods when we’ve not sought his love, and begin again to act as his loved and loving children.


Gracious God, help me to recall the moments and days of your grace. Help me to remember your goodness and love. Let these memories fuel my heart now so that I will no longer live at a distance from you. Help me to act with the gratitude and joy of someone who has been embraced and claimed by you. Amen.


Tags: love

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