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The Other Jesus, Week 2, Day 1

by David Joynt on June 10, 2018

The Other Jesus, Week 2, Day 1

MARK 10:17-22

Why does Jesus recommend that the rich young ruler liquidate all his assets? This command seems extreme, does it not? How about living a life of continuous generosity, where wise investment fuels a practice of Kingdom giving? Is poverty the only way for a Christian to be an authentic follower?

As we wrestle with these important questions we must be careful to avoid two mistakes: we must not minimize Jesus’ teaching and we must not generalize too broadly from one example. Interpreters should seek the “whole counsel of God” in scripture and they must be prepared for moments where Jesus’ wisdom contradicts the world.

Do you have a theology of money?

What are its principles?


What does it mean to be generous?


Tags: commitment, generosity

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