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The Upside Down World, Week 3, Day 5

by David Joynt on September 21, 2017


LUKE 15:20-23


The First Century listeners expect the returning son to be beaten or stoned for his offenses against his family and father. (See Exodus 20:12, the Fifth Commandment.) The last thing they would anticipate is an embrace, a robe, a ring, and a public party. The father flaunts the rules of First Century justice to forgive and accept his rebel son. His gracious act of undeserved love prefigures the cross, and he carries the humiliation and risks the rejection his son deserves by making his acceptance so public, sharing in his shame in hopes that others will also offer his son acceptance. So great is the father’s joy at reunion and relationship, he will risk greatly for recovery. The younger son did not expect this at all, hoping only to be a servant, knowing he had no right ever again to be a son, let alone a beloved, celebrated son.



Do you share God’s passion for the rebels you know?



Have you ever forgiven someone at significant cost?



When have you had to practice forgiveness with someone else in your family?

When have you been forgiven?

When have you been forgiven?




Tags: forgiveness

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