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Day 13: Assurance

Is your relationship with the Shepherd intimate? Do you have voice recognition?

by David Joynt on April 22, 2016

Day 13: Assurance

JOHN 10:22-29

Jesus encountered skeptical Jewish worshipers in the Jerusalem temple. In this moment, He reveals another key to assurance for us: intimacy. “My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me.” Disciples develop voice recognition. They know the timbre and the tone and the sound and the content of the Shepherd’s voice. Assurance for final things develops as we hear and follow now. The trust that in the end we will not perish, as He promises, comes from responding to His directions and seeing His instructions bear fruit and bring blessing in our daily living. We come to sense His voice will not let us down, and our intimacy with Him cannot be broken.


Is your relationship with the Shepherd intimate?

Do you have voice recognition?




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