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Easter Hearts, Week 3, Day 2

by David Joynt on April 23, 2018

Easter Hearts, Week 3, Day 2

DAY 16

JOHN 20:24


When you are absent, you miss things.  When you are out sick at school, you may get notes and assignments. But that is not the same as being in class. Thomas missed a Resurrection appearance. He missed the joy and assurance and the gift of peace and forgiveness. He missed the commissioning and the gift of the Spirit.


One of the best gifts to give other disciples is the gift of your presence. One of the best gifts you can give to yourself is the same! When you are absent, you miss things, and we miss you!


How faithful are you in gathering for worship and prayer?


What gets in the way?



Why do we go to church?


Tags: faithful, worship

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