April 20

7:30AM, Chapel

9 & 10:30AM, Sanctuary & Livestream

He is Risen! We invite you to a Sunday morning unlike any other; the Sunday that confirmed that life has the final say. We will have flowers for you, your friends, and family to place on the cross, photobooth, and a community eager to celebrate with you!

*Family Worship Sunday, Nursery available for children 3 months to 2 years old at 9 & 10:30AM services only*

April 13, 9 & 10:30AM

Sanctuary & Livestream

Join us at the start of our journey and watch Jesus's magnificent arrival. 

*Sunday School and Nursery will be available*

April 17, 6:30PM

Sanctuary & Livestream

Come with us as we experience the beginning of the journey to the cross

*Nursery will be available for children 3 months to 2 years old*


April 18, 12PM

Sanctuary & Livestream

This service gives us the opportunity to observe the darkest day in human history, and honor the sacrifice that changed everything, forever.

*Nursery will be available for children 3 months to 2 years old*

Valley Presbyterian Church
6947 E McDonald Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85253