Lent Study: Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter with Pastor David Turn

Lent Study: Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter with Pastor David Turn
Every Wednesday, from 03/19/2025 to 04/09/2025, 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Room(s): Sanctuary

The late Reverend Dr. Timothy Keller wrote this inspiring book that addresses the question of how we approach the current difficult times, including the loss of a vision for a shared common good. Keller
answers that we need to reclaim and rely on the hope of Easter, which reminds us that the resurrection of Christ brings the future power of God – that someday will heal and renew the entire world – into our lives now, giving us a realistic and irrepressible hope that in our current lives we can participate in the fullness of paradise to come.


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