
Current Series

VS. Virtues of a Risen Savior

One classic Lenten approach long used during the seven weeks leading from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, has been to focus on the battle Christian’s face to overcome their false desires. Sometimes called the 7 deadly thoughts, and more often the 7 deadly sins. This list became standardized by the decree of Pope Gregory in 590 AD. Before his action there were several different lists, that in total had 10 vices. There was even one list, by Prudentius, whose name is itself the word for prudence, that focused on the 7 heavenly virtues. Our sermon series, and these devotionals, will update his idea of using virtue to overcome vice, good and beautiful practices to displace false and harmful ones, and extend it, to include 10 ways we can cultivate souls that are whole and holy.


Blessings as you read and pray and think through these themes.



It seems as if the “more the world changes, the more it stays the same.” Novelty can’t shift the perennial problems of human nature and society. What is really “new” in our old world as we approach our new year? The scriptures claim that Jesus inaugurated a new era in human history, a new kingdom, in which a new sort of life would become available. Using 2 Peter, along with a few passages from 1 Peter we’ll explore this claim. There is a new power, a new legacy, a new freedom, a new hope, a new generosity, and a new endurance we can experience this year.

Jesus' Family Album

Dear Friends,


When was the last time you looked through one of your family albums? Whether old school or digital, pictures of the people and events of our lives bring back a flood of memories. This Advent we’ll explore Jesus’ family album. It has some unique ancestors and immediate family members. When we believe in his name and receive him in our hearts and lives, we join his forever family and become part of the Divine Album.


Blessings as you read and reflect and pray. May we be ready to celebrate the Word made flesh.


Get Real: Authenticity Check

Dear Friends,


An expert jeweler can tell a real pearl from paste with a glance. An expert designer knows a fake bag immediately, as different from the original. A good teller distinguishes genuine currency from counterfeit.


But how can we tell when our Christian lives are real, genuine, and authentic? The apostle Peter’s two New Testament letters will help us answer this question.


The devotional is supplemented by daily videos and is supplemental to our Sunday sermons.


Blessings as you read, meditate, and pray.

Graceways: Creating Holy Habits

Dear Friends,


             Our current sermon series is called “Graceways.” In it we will focus on the habits and practices that foster God’s grace in our lives and that make us into gracious people. As you read these meditations, try and find concreate ways to apply them in your life. If you want more ideas on how to do this, connect with me or any of our pastors directly or digitally.



Stress Test

God wants us to be free from stress—free for love, service, and joy. But this means understanding the things that produce stress in our lives and changing our ways of dealing with them. Over the next six weeks we will do this through our sermon series, “Stress Tests” and our accompanying devotional. Feel free to text, call, email, or chat if you have reactions or ideas! 

The Week That Changed The World

Our Lenten Series is called The Week that Changed the World. Each Sunday we will examine a key incident that occurred during those telling seven days between Jesus’ Passover entrance to Jerusalem and His resurrection. Knowing the cross was coming, we see Him using His last days to teach and demonstrate the character of His coming. We all have moments that change our lives. These Holy Week moments shifted the world’s trajectory. May God bless you this season!


Soul Songs

Even if you can't carry a tune, your soul can sing with joy and thanksgiving. Over the next 6 weeks, we will explore 6 great songs, and many connected scripture passages, that have inspired Christians through the generations. Use this devotional to deepen your grasp of their greatness and depth-these songs will help your soul sing.

Divine Imperatives

Do you instinctively embrace authority? By personality some of us are natural followers some neutral resistors. All of us have had mixed experiences with authorities in our lives, like parents, bosses, coaches, or police.


This fall we’ll examine the commands that came from our spiritual Master, Jesus Christ. As we study them, remember that His authority is unique. He has ultimate power as our Creator and Judge, but only uses that divine authority in the way of love, shaping us to be people of truth and gladness. As He said “Come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you (accept my authority), and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls—my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


Understanding and following His commands is the narrow way that leads to an abundant life.

