2020 Vision, Week 3, Day 15
by David Joynt on January 19, 2020
MARK 8:22 | They came to Bethsaida. Some people brought a blind man to him and begged him to touch him.
One of the best known and least disputed facts about Jesus is that he was a healer. There was debate about the source of his power and authority, with some accusing him of working for Beelzebub, but no one challenged the reality of his cures.
Wherever he went people brought their friends and family suffering with blindness, lameness, discharges, deafness, diseases, and demon possession. At Bethsaida he is confronted with a man who is blind, but as we learn in the story, was not always so. Jesus healed in a variety of ways. Sometimes he healed with a word, often with a touch, usually in intimate proximity but occasionally at a distance. Sometimes he forgave in conjunction with healing, sometimes he did not. Sometimes he instructed the healed person to keep silent about the miracle, sometimes he allowed them to go public. Healing was not a technique he developed but a sign of his divine authority over life and death.
Lift someone up today who needs healing.
March 22, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 20, 2025