A New Heart for the Valley Week 1, Day 6
by David Joynt on February 23, 2018
Notice the pattern described earlier in the week. The Samaritan woman needs a hew heart, but her past failures stand in the way. She goes at noon to the well because she doesn’t want to face the rejection that comes with failed relationships. Jesus names the source of her pain and guilt. He reveals his identity to her and gives her hope that she can reconnect with God, despite her past. She overcomes her social phobia and acts as the first missionary in John’s gospel, inviting her neighbors to come and see the Messiah.
Is there anyone whom you allow to name the things which block your spiritual renewal?
Have you ever had a spiritual conversation in a public place?
If so, what happened?
If not, why not?
March 15, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 13, 2025