A New Heart for the Valley Week 3, Day 6
by David Joynt on March 09, 2018
Jesus’ granting forgiveness to the paralyzed man is different than the forgiveness we give one another. You forgive me, hopefully (!), when I offend you. Here, Jesus forgives all the man’s previous sins, and since he is a stranger, this is not a case of him letting go of offenses he has suffered individually. In this instance, the forgiveness isn’t individual but plenary. Only God can forgive sins in this complete and thorough-going way. This is true for two reasons. First, only God has the divine authority to do so. Second, it is only God who is injured and hurt in every individual instance of inter-personal or private sin. Every life is part of his life. The scribes recognize the implicit claim, present in Jesus’ act of forgiveness, to divine status, and they see it as blasphemy.
Do you see what is unique about the forgiveness Jesus offers this man and us?
Do you see how it connects to his identity?
How forgiving is your family?
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