Advent Week 4: The Bethlehem Way, Day 3
How good at partnering are you? Do you feel like God's partner?
by David Joynt on December 21, 2016
One of the most striking and unique features of God is independence. Every other creature is dependent. You and I depend on air to breath and food and water to survive. We need thousands of people who provide energy, health care, safety, and many other absolute necessities. We depend on our own frail bodies for existence. We need the sun to shine and radiate the earth and rain to fall. No one is born without a mother or able to raise themselves from the start. God is utterly self-sufficient, needing no one to help or assist or provide, and needing no other things to be whole, complete, and eternal. But God chose human partners in the great initiative that began in Bethlehem. He chose to partner with Mary and Joseph, and eventually to entrust his mission to people like us. He could have acted independently, but he chose partnership.
How good at partnering are you?
Do you feel like God's partner?
FAMILY TIME: When have you sensed that you were partnering with God? Pray for a deeper sense of Him in your day-to-day lives.
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